API Reference ============= .. testsetup:: import aiosmtplib from aiosmtplib import SMTPResponse The send Coroutine ------------------ Use the :func:`aiosmtplib.send` coroutine in most cases when you want to send a message. .. autofunction:: aiosmtplib.send The SMTP Class -------------- The lower level :class:`aiosmtplib.SMTP` class gives you more control over the SMTP connection. .. autoclass:: aiosmtplib.SMTP :members: :inherited-members: .. automethod:: aiosmtplib.SMTP.__init__ Server Responses ---------------- .. autoclass:: aiosmtplib.response.SMTPResponse :members: Status Codes ------------ .. autoclass:: aiosmtplib.typing.SMTPStatus :members: :undoc-members: Exceptions ---------- .. automodule:: aiosmtplib.errors :members: :show-inheritance: